Slightly Irregular

The Official


Providing the soundtrack to the degenerate life.


Welcome To
Slightly Irregular
The Official Zero Pit Homepage.

You'd have to search 8 bus stations to find 3 freaks of this caliber!

This site is run by the band themselves, so you will always get the most accurate, up-to-date information possible. Tour dates, photos, lyrics, merchandise, and other assorted stupidity can all be found here.

Z. P.

This site is updated regularly. Check back often!
Latest Update : 7/15/01

What's New?   |   Upcoming Shows   |   Photos   |   Merchandise   |   Ask Goose   |   L8 Files   |   Flip's Web Picks   |   Lyrics   |   Contact Us   |   Links   |   Thanks

All logos and designs were created and maintained by D & D Graphics
and/or Zero Pit and remain the sole property thereof.
This site is best viewed in the Chiller font.
See our Links page for places to download it.